In an effort to allow a wide range of property owners to care for their land and trees, we price our services on a sliding scale.

You choose at the time of payment where you will elect to pay on the scale, using whatever metrics are meaningful to you.

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Pay what you choose

At heart, our sliding scale approach is a humble offering to economic justice.  We choose to build our world from a story of abundance, rather than scarcity. 

This isn’t philanthropy.  We learned pretty quick tree work will never make us rich.  We intimately understand that every dollar counts, and frankly, it feels like a small act of rebellion in our capitalist culture to throw in some number magic.

If you have a fixed or low income, you may elect to pay at the lower end of our scale.  If you have a regular, reliable income, you may elect to pay more toward the middle.  If you have discretionary income and the means to pay more, you may elect to pay at the top of the scale.  And your decision may change every time we work together as your circumstances change.  Life is fluid. 

Somehow, it always balances.

In community,
we are able to sustain a values-aligned practice
working for the love of trees.

How we price our services

Unlike many tree companies who bid work by the job or the tree, the majority of our tree services are bid and billed by the labor hour.  We believe this is a more objective way to price tree work and that it fosters greater parity in value delivery.

Our hourly sliding scale range is derived from our operating costs.  The low end of the scale represents the bare minimum we need to keep the chainsaws running.  The high end of the scale represents the maximum value we believe our community can reasonably sustain. 

Another way to think about it is that the low end of the scale is equivalent to wholesale pricing, while the high end of the scale is more like retail pricing.

To ensure we conduct each job with the same quality of service, regardless of where our clients decide to slide on the scale, we will never inquire at any stage about your decision.

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