Thank you for your curiosity about Grateful Trees and Bees, a family operated tree care company co-owned (say that three times fast) by Jacob Pressley and Jennifer Socey. 

We are most grateful for the kind reception our work has received in our community since our opening in 2013.  We are blessed with fantastic clients and are proud to call Durham, North Carolina home. 

May your skies be blue, your days sunny, and love always turned your way!

For the love of trees

First, we listen

We believe that trees are living, sentient beings.  They require not our human control, but rather, our loving regard, care, and gratitude for the rich gifts they share with us so freely. 

From the beginning, this has meant building a different kind of tree company.  We do not work to fulfill a quota, or for a Board of Directors profit-motive.  Instead, we are at liberty to speak for the silent trees.

Employing a blend of intuition, art, science, and practical action, our prescriptions are crafted to compassionately care for trees, their humans, and the spaces they share.

Then, we advocate, mediate, and steward

Guiding Principles

While the details will vary for each project, there are some overarching principles that we employ more often than not:

1. Robert Hunter is right: without love in the dream, it’ll never come true (1);

2. Set your intention and then go with the flow;

3. Listen until you can hear the voice within you; work until your muscles ache with growth;

4. Look around you for what’s required – life provides for necessity;

5. Show up.


(1) via The Annotated “Help on the Way.”

Once upon a bumbling beginning

Almost long ago and not so far away in the wilds of Durham, a husband and wife dreamed . . .