Tree Care

We approach our work with reverence and practicality.

Drawing knowledge from both forestry and arboriculture, our prescriptions are designed to guide and enliven your relationship with the trees on your land, whether that’s one acre, or 100 acres.

The word for world is forest

In theory, we believe there is much common ground between traditional and urban forestry.

Yggdrasill is the name given to The World Tree in Norse mythology.  Supporting the universe, the tree connects all that is above with all that is below.  Also known as The Tree of Life, this mythic being has long dwelled in our human consciousness, woven into the stories of myriad cultures.

The care of a single tree reverberates through the entire forest.  The care of a forest supports the well being of each tree.  Both levels of stewardship support the well being of the world, and we, the humans who live here.

We engage our work from a place of reverence

We operate where the rubber meets the road

Forward thinking, old school methods

From the start, we infused GTB with the work ethic and grit Jake gleaned helping out on his cousin’s organic dairy farm in Vermont’s Lake Champlain Valley.

custom climbing
our trucks aren't new

With human power & ingenuity, much is possible

Over the years, as our experience has deepened, we have made the conscious decision to resist the false narrative that says bigger is always better. 

We run a single crew & remain true to our craftsmanship roots

We return again and again to the truth that less is more.  We invest in our humans, their safety, and simple, quality tools.

In the end, good tree and land stewardship is built on simple, basic, affordable actions, taken one tree, and one acre at a time.    

trees and birds

"What an awesome company with an amazing approach!"