For North Carolina forestry consulting, we work primarily with clients in Durham, Orange, Chatham and Person Counties. 

We invite you to contact us to initiate a conversation about your land. 

What we can do for you

Stewardship Plans

Timber Sales & Harvest Compliance

Present-Use Tax Program Applications

Regeneration Plans

Forest Inventories & Valuations

Tree Protection Plans

Watershed Protection Plans

How we go into the woods

North Carolina Registered Forester Jacob Pressley is at home in the woods.  His boots have walked many miles in the service of his passion for trees.

When Jake goes into the woods, he brings with him a special knack for reading land.  With an intimate knowledge of forest succession and the dynamic forces at play in the woods, he is able to see what is, what was, and what will be.

At heart, a forester ‘s job is to build relationship, crafting management prescriptions tailored to the personalities, characteristics, and needs of both the forest and the landowner. 

Sustainable forestry

Forestry is the science and art of cultivating, maintaining, and developing forests.  In the 21st Century, forestry’s key intentions must be site preservation and the maintenance of sustainable growth.  

While walking through a well-managed forest, you will encounter trees of all ages and diverse hardwood and softwood species.  Mature oak and hickory forests can be woven with pine.  A “cut and plant loblolly pine” approach isn’t necessary or desirable.  

An actively managed forest enhances the productivity of the forest land and preserves the watershed.  A vibrant resource, it provides not only wood products, but also maintains habitats for species diversity and survival, and habitat for human recreation.  Most importantly, it creates a legacy for the seven generations to come.


Which woods we steward

We believe it is important to engage a forester who lives within an hour of your land, so that they can be readily available to monitor any active harvest sites.

If you are outside of our range, we encourage you to explore the state-wide roster managed by the North Carolina Board of Registered Foresters.  The North Carolina Forest Service also offers some useful articles and resources.

"Jacob has a background in forestry & I learned so much from him as he walked my land."