Harvesting is an important aspect of active forest management. Engage an NC Registered Forester to assist with marketing your land’s wood fiber.
We represent clients in Durham, Chatham, Orange and Person Counties.
Our intention with timber sales is three fold:
(i) to meet your resource objectives;
(ii) to maximize profit; and
(iii) to ensure that your woodlands continue to thrive and provide a marketable product for generations to come.
We mediate between our clients and the timber buyer to craft a sale contract that stipulates protections for your land and the local watershed. Once a harvest is underway, we believe in conducting multiple inspections of the harvest site to verify compliance with the terms of the sale and confirm that the logger is employing best management practices and minimizing site impact.
After the harvest, we encourage reforestation and serve as a liaison between our clients and tree planters. Our work isn’t complete until we conduct post-planting site visits to check on seedling survival.
Jake has forestry in his marrow. His Great Grandfather Deering, pictured above, logged timber in Maine’s Aroostook County with an axe and oxen in the early 1900s. His father, Warren Pressley, participated on some of the last log drives on the Kennebec River in the 1970s.
From his legacy roots, Jake followed his passion and earned a BS in Forestry from the University of Maine in 2003. He went on to become an NC registered forester.
Before starting GTB, he cruised timber with Maine Forestry Consulting, designed harvest layouts for the International Paper Company, and served as the Orange County Forest Ranger for the NC Forest Service.
Jacob T. Pressley & Jennifer Socey, Co-Owners
Phone: #919-889-3242
Jacob T. Pressley & Jennifer Socey, Co-Owners
Grateful Trees & Bees is a division of 43560 Enterprises, LLC.
All work is licensed and insured.
Arboriculture services are performed by ISA Certified Arborist #SO-5685A.
Forestry consulting, stewardship plans, and timber sales are provided by North Carolina Registered Forester #1753.